Post by bonnielady on Feb 8, 2009 19:54:39 GMT
Help! Can anyone give advice? My pony had a bad case of lice about two weeks ago. this was treated with Barracade perscribed by my vet. However now he looks like he has mange. His hair is falling out in clumps and he is soooo itchy. What sould i do? I haven't seen lice or mange in any of my horses for at least 16 years!!!
Happy to help....a lot
Return of the Dame
Posts: 12,964
Post by halfpass on Feb 8, 2009 20:54:18 GMT
I have moved this to here as I feel you will get more help.
Junior Member
Posts: 120
Post by aries on Feb 8, 2009 22:13:17 GMT
Funnily enough, we have suspected that some of ours might have suffered from that recently.
We have a couple of sweetitch ponies, but they started itching in unusual places to normal - the ears for instance, both inside and out. Then, two adult ponies who had no prior history of sweetitch started the same thing. We thought perhaps a mite, and treated them for that with double dose of ivomectin (active ingredient in eqvalan wormer). The one pony who wasn't very bad only suffered on his flank. He was covered in lots of little bumps (like allergy bumps), when they formed into scabs, they effectively caused the hair to fall out as as soon as they loosened, the hair came too.
Lots of washing in antibacterial or medicated shampoo seemed to help, the recent snow too will hopefully have killed off a lot of the bugs