Dec 10, 2009 22:52:16 GMT
Post by gtr121 on Dec 10, 2009 22:52:16 GMT
Last weekend we went to a show with our large M&M. Next to the other obese ponies she looked like a Greyhound. The vet happened to be on the yard the other day and I asked him if our pony was the correct weight. He said that he thought she was well overweight. So what do I do? Have a pony looking like a fit racehorse and be placed bottom or try to keep up with the morbidly obesce crowd? Over height ponies and horses have been thrown out, so now it is time for the fatties to get the same treatment. Come on judges get brave and make a stance.
Dec 11, 2009 14:07:49 GMT
Post by cholderton on Dec 11, 2009 14:07:49 GMT
I gave up showing my sec A for that very reason.
Posts: 29
Dec 12, 2009 17:04:50 GMT
Post by kiwi on Dec 12, 2009 17:04:50 GMT
I quite agree....there are many fat ponies out there!!!!!!!!!! Surely welfare has to come in to it. My ponies are probably in the catagory of show condition but they are not obese but we do come up against many which roll around the ring!!!!
Dec 13, 2009 23:52:40 GMT
Post by hacklover on Dec 13, 2009 23:52:40 GMT
I would love a cob or a highland but I wont get one to show as I am not in favour of obese animals. I show hacks for the reason that they tend to be more slight. Normally! I means that I can knock some weight off when they finish the season and give them some 'top' to keep them in the running.
Dec 14, 2009 16:52:27 GMT
Post by kma on Dec 14, 2009 16:52:27 GMT
so are you suggesting that all cobs and highlands are fat and obese? I actually find that quite offensive hacklover and an insult to be honest!
Dec 15, 2009 14:29:38 GMT
Post by 4emms on Dec 15, 2009 14:29:38 GMT
Hi KMA, I didn't think that hacklover intended to offend, that's why she said about having one to show. I think she is trying to explain that results seem to indicate some judges preference for these breeds/types to be carrying extra weight.
Surely we should all be looking to see fit and healthy animals as true representatives of the stamp. Unfortunately obesity can hide a multitude of sins and conversely also disguise the most beautiful features, in humans as well as animals.