Post by carrie17491 on Jan 23, 2012 12:46:25 GMT
I have recently broken my mare, who is a dream.
However, I have noticed she doesn't seem to be too happy when I apply pressure to the reins (asking her to halt)
All the usual checks done and everything is fine so I am thinking, as some horses are like, she just doesn't like the link of a jointed snaffle.
I was thinking of getting a french link, would any one have any tips and advice?
I am also changing from an egbutt to a full cheek to guide her more when asking for turns.
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 23, 2012 12:54:18 GMT
Post by GinaGeo on Jan 23, 2012 20:44:18 GMT
I have my youngster in a loose ring snaffle with a copper lozenge. He's quite happy in this I prefer them to start them in lozenges, French Links as opposed to single jointed bits as they take away the nutcraker action, which alot of horses dislike. Most horses, apart from my own horse (who is a bit special ) prefer them to the single jointed bits. I tried hundreds in his mouth and he prefers a very thin, single jointed loose ring. It's all trial and error as to what they like the most.
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 23, 2012 21:51:48 GMT
Sounds like I should give it a shot.
It's so difficult starting them out and trying everything to make tem comfortable and happy!!
Post by sageandonion on Jan 23, 2012 21:55:25 GMT
A lot prefer the link or lozenge. Neue Schule are very nice. Could you say what you mean that she 'doesn't seem happy' when you apply pressure, what does she do?
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 23, 2012 23:23:31 GMT
She seems to throw her head up, as though to "get away" from my contact. She throws her head sometimes from side to side too but not always. She just seems agravated by it :/ she's been like this all the time, I thought I was her being stubborn because she was in hand/being long lined. But it's carried on, everything else if fine with her. She just seems uncomfortable, it's weird to explain. You know when you just know your horse isn't happy?
Post by flo1 on Jan 24, 2012 0:08:17 GMT
I've started several youngsters off using Eldonian 'revolver' bits...the lozenge in the middle allows each side of the bit to work independently of the other..a little like Myler bits do. They do several different ring types... hanging cheek, loose ring etc. www.ejeffries.co.uk/products/132398/Revolver_Centre
Post by mady on Jan 24, 2012 8:37:58 GMT
I started and still use in mine a NS Starter bit and she goes lovely in it. It has a peanut lozenge; i have tried a jointed a couple of times and she totally disliked it.
Post by sageandonion on Jan 24, 2012 8:58:49 GMT
From the 'objections' you describe, I would attack it three fold and all as quickly as possible for such behaviour can quickly become habitual and pony will forever do it in whatever bit and then it is impossible to correct.
Firstly (and not in an order) , neue schule lozenge bit (never know anything to object to it), second, Dentist and that being the case even if you have just had an all clear from a dentist and I would want the dentist to see that ridden objection and thirdly, instructor in to check your contact.
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 24, 2012 9:10:52 GMT
Brilliant, thank you everyone.
She's just starting out so we've not actually got an instructor. We are only walking about on the lanes but I will get someone to watch me ride and check the contact. I will get the dentist to have a look at her when she's being ridden though, that's a good idea.
I want to nip it in the bud now before I do any lasting damage and she does this forever.
Thank you everyone!!
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 24, 2012 9:16:43 GMT
I've just been on a few websites to find a neue schule, they only start at 5".....my girl is 4.5"
Post by whp94 on Jan 24, 2012 9:56:16 GMT
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 24, 2012 12:19:37 GMT
Ahhh didn't look there!! Thank you xx
Post by rhosyn on Jan 24, 2012 12:24:02 GMT
May I just ask and please don't think I'm being obtuse - does the pony know what it's being asked for when you apply a contact?
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 24, 2012 12:29:41 GMT
May I just ask and please don't think I'm being obtuse - does the pony know what it's being asked for when you apply a contact? I don't understand? When I apply pressure to halt, she halts but throws her head. When applying to turn, I use my leg more than my hands but obviously I need to guide her, she turns but throws her head about. Her body is going and so is her head, she just isn't happy about her mouth.
Post by rhosyn on Jan 24, 2012 12:31:38 GMT
What I mean is, you say she does it when you apply pressure to ask her to halt. Have you taught her to halt using pressure on the reins or are you in the process of doing so. If you see what I mean! Also, has she had chance to get used to the bit just being there in her mouth without being ridden / longlined? It took my D a few days to get used to hers
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 24, 2012 12:37:28 GMT
What I mean is, you say she does it when you apply pressure to ask her to halt. Have you taught her to halt using pressure on the reins or are you in the process of doing so. If you see what I mean! Ahh! Yes, she was long lined in a dually then when she was bitted after a while I long reined her in a bit. When she is in hand I use the bit to ask her to halt to, so I think she knows the principle of it. It's so hard to explain, she does it but there is something she isn't happy with, either her head or her mouth. Her bridle fits, saddle fits, teeth and back are fine so the only other issue I can think of is the bit. I can only rule everything out I guess. She's always been funny though with pressure in her mouth. I thought her bit may have been pinching so I changed it to a loose ring, and on the advice of the vet got the bit half a size up as this wouldn't be too big, but not a "snug fit". So the only thing I can think is that it is the joint of the bit. She is a sensitive soul and the slightest thin can upset her - I guess I am in a way lucky as I will know there is something wrong! I used to just put the bridle on her for about 10 minutes and let her stand with it on, she was fine after about a week, I didn't start any work with her until she had accepted it
Post by rhosyn on Jan 24, 2012 12:48:46 GMT
Another advocate for the NS bits here too then! It may be worth trying here www.horsebitbank.com/ . NS bits are by comparison to others quite expensive so it might be a good idea to try before you buy
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 24, 2012 12:51:28 GMT
Thank you xx
Post by vikki85 on Jan 30, 2012 11:43:31 GMT
Try a french link, normal jointed snaffles have a nut cracker action and many horse find them uncomfortable. Could also try teaching her to halt from your seat.
Post by carrie17491 on Jan 30, 2012 13:00:33 GMT
I changed her to a full cheek with a copper lozenge and she seems to like it, she's really mouthing it and being very responsive. We got the whole way round on a hack yesterday with no issues!
Post by sageandonion on Jan 30, 2012 13:47:59 GMT
Good news.